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Showing posts from May, 2014

T/A/P into Google Apps

I have been thinking about a way to successfully introduce, and integrate Google Apps for Education (GAFE) in schools since I first started using it in about 2008. It seemed as if there were some aspects that people found difficult to grasp, but were essential to understand in order to know how to use the tools to their full potential.  Below you will see what i have come up with (there will be discussions over which area's different aspects lie in, and I welcome comments and suggestions - this could be a good discussion starter with staff?). T/A/P (Technical/Administrative/Pedagogical) into Google Apps model (click on the image and it will take you to the live document) This model is intended to be a flexible, interactive, one page visual document that is easy for staff to digest, without getting bogged down with too much pedagogical theory and lingo.  It aims to be personalised, authentic and collaborative - with the emphasis on the individual teacher and the

Using Google+ Communities with learners

I have started using Google+ communities this year to extend what is done in the classroom and to connect learners in a way that works for them.  I have attempted to develop a learning community in my senior classes as I can see the benefits through their interactions already, McLoughlin & Lee write that by using online communities " rich possibilities for students to create and share ideas, connect, and participate in broader learning communities that are not confined to the spaces in which formal teaching and learning activities take place ." (2008 p.15)  As a school we use Google Apps for Education (GAFE) and one of the benefits of using this cloud based platform is that it is ubiquitous in that it can be used on any device, and anywhere - the social learning aspect of it 'google+' has a very interactive mobile interface which allows users to receive notifications and post updates from phones and mobile devices, as well as sharing photo's video and giving &